Verdad Nicaragua
Here at Verdad Nicaragua, we are committed to supporting the communities that surround us. In the years we’ve been here, we have become part of the fabric of life at Playa Escameca. We employ 18 men and women from our surrounding area full-time, whether or not our hotel is full. We strive to buy local products and support local businesses. That means we buy everything here in Nicaragua: from the fish we get from local fisherman, produce from local farms, and yogurt and eggs from a local dairy, to the furniture and lighting that was made for us by local craftsmen. We also sponsor both a local baseball and soccer team.

Barrio Planta Project & Vital Actions
Verdad also recognizes the importance of education to empower the next generation of Nicaraguans. We help to fund the Barrio Planta Project, an organization that provides free supplementary education to the children and youth of San Juan Del Sur. One of our favorite days of the year is when we get to host the "Perfect Attendance Field Trip" for students.
In addition, we take part in the preservation and conservation efforts that Vital Actions undertakes. Vital Actions’ turtle sanctuary, Vivero Escameca is right here at Playa Escameca where guests can take part in releasing newly hatched turtles, as well learn about the four species of turtles this project is working to protect. Visit Vital Actions’ website to learn more about their work in Nicaragua.
Verdad also supports Vital Actions conservation efforts in reforesting the nearby community of Collado.